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Sharon Plascott

My name is Sharon Plascott and the area I live in is Levenshulme, I know it's not in Stockport but thought the community around here needed an uplift during Lockdown aswell so I became Stormtrooper! (main Character) also I did my part as Darth Vader and Captain Marvel also at times. I have worked in a special needs school for the past 25years. Along side this I have worked many an arena and stadium doing concerts from Manchester to London. Have done so much packed into my life and enjoyed every minute, variety is the spice of life I say! This is why I joined Stockport Spidermen and friends

Storm Trooper

My name is Sharon Plascott and the area I live in is Levenshulme, I know it's not in Stockport but thought the community around here needed an uplift during Lockdown aswell so I became Stormtrooper! (main Character) also I did my part as Darth Vader and Captain Marvel also at times. I have worked in a special needs school for the past 25years. Along side this I have worked many an arena and stadium doing concerts from Manchester to London. Have done so much packed into my life and enjoyed every minute, variety is the spice of life I say! This is why I joined Stockport Spidermen and friends